Tuesday, September 25, 2012

45 degrees and raining...welcome to Valdez!

For all you Canadians and the rest of the world that translates to 7 degrees celcius

We have now been in Valdez for 9 days staying with our good friend Ilene the Islander and despite the constant rain and only one momentary glimmer of sunshine we are having a great time. We did however make sure to document the glimmer of sunshine we expereinced since we're beginning to forget what the sun looks and feels like. "Oh Mr. Sun Sun Mr. Golden Sun please shine down on us.... "

Sunshine spotted!

Some highlights of our stay in Valdez:

1) Watching Ilene go on a baking frenzy to use up every ingredient remaining in her cupboards before moving out.

2) Eating the results (delicious baked goods and yummy meals)

3) Sea Kayaking at the Valdez Glaci'eh

4) Ilene and Beth learning about the world of dumpster diving from Naomi the pro:

Naomi showing us how it's done!

Our bounty of delicious treats...straight from the dumpster

 One persons trash is another's bruschetta :)

5) A day at Mineral Creek.
At this point in our travels we were getting a bit cabin feverish and needed to take advantage of the moment we saw the sun poke its head through the clouds. Although short-lived, it did inspire us to get out.

Hiking up one of the many beautiful waterfalls along Mineral Creek

 Naomi, Ilene, Bethany

Some off roading...

6) Music Music Music: The plan was to play music outside on the streets, however with the never ending rain we had to get creative...the local bar at 3 in the afternoon. The Fat Mermaid welcomed our music playing and we had such a great time we stayed for over 3 hours. On another occasion Maggie, the owner of Magpies Bakery welcomed us in out of the rain to play our music. Thanks Maggie and The Fat Mermaid.

Music moments:

Mitchell helping out on the Tambourine

7) Sea Kayaking trip to Shoup Glaci'eh.  
We were determined not to let the rain put a damper bahahahahaha....damp...get it? Ok, moving on, our dreams of going on a little sea kayaking adventure. We left Valdez around noon to a glorious offer by our newest acquaintance Scott, who manages a water taxi service. He gave us a much appreciated lift out to the lagoon just outside Shoup where we spent the next two days exploring and loving life!

Prepped and ready to go


There was a momentary glitch with the boat...

Ilene happy to announce the motors are up and running!

Ilene's impressive skills at getting us all in the shot!

I think Andre and Ilene are excited for dinner...

we liked the view from our cabin

off for a day exploring Shoup glacier

Waterfall wall

the glaci'eh

squeeze in

Miso break at the glacier

Ilene throws a mean punch

the team without a team name

1 comment:

  1. Talk about a Mom living vicariously through her amazing daughter's adventures. Loved your pics and videos! So proud of you!!!
